Analysis Methods
SEFSC Passive Acoustic Ecology Program
Raw Acoustic Data
Marine Mammal Acoustics
Odontocete Analyses
Click Classification
Density Estimation
Beaked Whale Tracking for Denisty Estimation Parameterization
Mysticete Whale Analyses
Rice’s Whale Automated Call Detectors
Long-Moan Detector Settings
Downsweep Pulse Sequence Detector Settings
Validation of Automated Call Detections
North Atlantic Right Whale Up-calls
Ambient and Anthropogenic Noise Analyses
Ambient Noise Levels
Broadband Ships
Ship Radiated Noise Levels and Monopole Source Levels
Seismic Airguns
An analysis methods section is required and should include the following information;
- Data Prep and Archive
- Data prep (decompressing, creating LTSAs, decimating, etc.)
- Data quality checks (QAQC scripts)
- Data upload steps
If you have a internal storage include directions here on where data should be stored and in what format
You can also include a data managment structure with standardized naming and storage/folder structures
- Analysis methods for each species, group, or sound source
You can break this down by baleen and toothed whales, soundscapes, etc.
Each section should include detailed and reproducible methods that anybody can recreate
You can also link to a separate hardware repository if needed (SAEL example)